#HelenHuntJackson #HH #Escritoras La escritora Helen Hunt Jackson / H. H. (Amherst, condado de Hampshire, Massachusetts, Estados Unidos, 1830 - San Francisco, California, Estados Unidos, 1885) luchó por los derechos de los nativos americanos de Estados Unidos. Fue compañera de clase de Emily Dickinson, pues ambas eran de Amherst y nacieron el mismo año (se llevaban menos de dos meses). «Un Siglo de Deshonor», «Ramona», «Cheyenne Mountain» (poema), «Hetty's Strange History», «Letters from a Cat», «Saxe Holm's Stories», «Bits of Travel at Home», «Cat Stories», «Verses of Helen Hunt», «Between Whiles», «Nelly's Silver Mine», «Bits of Talk about Home Matters», «Zeph: A Posthumous Story»... son algunas de sus obras. ** Cheyenne Mountain By easy slope to west as if it had No thought, when first its soaring was begun, Except to look devoutly to the sun, It rises, and has risen, until, glad, With light as with a garment, it is clad, Each dawn, before the tardy plains have won One ray; and after day has long been done For us, the light doth cling reluctant, sad To leave its brow. Beloved mountain, I Thy worshipper, as thou the sun’s, each morn, My dawn, before the dawn, receive from thee; And think, as thy rose-tinted peaks I see, That thou wert great when Homer was not born, And ere thou change all human song shall die! https://poets.org/poem/cheyenne-mountain ** https://poets.org/poem/cheyenne-mountain https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/helen-hunt-jackson https://poets.org/poet/helen-hunt-jackson https://www.coloradovirtuallibrary.org/digital-colorado/colorado-histories/beginnings/helen-hunt-jackson-author-and-indian-advocate/ https://www.emilydickinsonmuseum.org/helen-hunt-jackson-1830-1885-friend/ https://coloradoencyclopedia.org/article/helen-hunt-jackson https://www.womenhistoryblog.com/2012/04/helen-hunt-jackson.html https://historythings.com/author-advocate-native-americans-helen-hunt-jackson/ https://mypoeticside.com/poets/helen-hunt-jackson-poems https://www.loc.gov/resource/cph.3a51133/ https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/a-century-of-dishonor-by-helen-hunt-jackson.htm https://sandiegohistory.org/journal/1978/october/jackson/ http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/obra-visor/la-edad-de-oro-publicacion-mensual-dedicada-a-los-ninos--0/html/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWWMfUl8MNE https://www.denvermetromedia.com/helen-hunt-jackson/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fksh7EFVfbg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4Zn5RGyTkE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s6xncDtPiA https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_Hunt_Jackson https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_Hunt_Jackson