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Mito de la Caverna de Platón

Corinne Roosevelt


#CorinneRooseveltRobinson #Escritoras La escritora Corinne Roosevelt (Nueva York, 1861 - Nueva York, 1933) era hermana del presidente de los Estados Unidos Theodore Roosevelt y tía de Eleanor Roosevelt, que llegó a ser primera dama por ser la esposa del presidente Franklin Delano Roosevelt. ** Path that Leads to Nowhere There's a path that leads to nowhere In a meadow that I know, Where an indian river rises And the stream is still and slow; There it wanders under willows And beneath the silvery moon Of the birches silent shadows Where the early violets bloom. Other pathways lead to somewhere, But the one I love so well Had no end and no beginning, Just the beauty of the dell; There I find my fair oasis, And with carefree feet I tread, For the pathway leads to nowhere And the blue is overhead! All the ways that lead to somewhere Echo with the hurrying feet Of the struggling and the striving, But the way I find so sweet Bids me dream and bids me linger, Joy and Beauty are its goal; On the path that leads to nowhere I have sometimes found my soul! ** «Poemas», «The Call of Brotherhood, and Other Poems», «One Woman to Another, and Another Poems», «The Call of Brotherhood, and Another Poems», «Mi hermano en la Casa Blanca», «Mi hermano Theodore Roosevelt», «Service and Sacrifice, Poems»... son algunos de sus títulos. https://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/corinnerooseveltrobinsonsafeguardamerica.htm https://www.todostuslibros.com/autor/corinne-roosevelt-robinson https://www.flatirondistrict.nyc/discover-flatiron/flatiron-history/3/discover-flatiron-corinne-roosevelt-robinson-and-the-1920-presidential-election https://www.theodorerooseveltcenter.org/Learn-About-TR/TR-Encyclopedia/Family-and-Friends/Corinne-Roosevelt-Robinson https://alchetron.com/Corinne-Roosevelt-Robinson https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/the-path-that-leads-to-nowhere/ https://mypoeticside.com/poets/corinne-roosevelt-robinson-poems https://allpoetry.com/Corrine-Roosevelt-Robinson https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corinne_Roosevelt_Robinson