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Mito de la Caverna de Platón

Duncan Campbell Scott - Poetas de la Confederación


#DuncanCampbellScott #PoetasDeLaConfederación #ConfederationPoets El escritor canadiense Duncan Campbell Scott (Ottawa, Canada, 1862 - Ottawa, Canada, 1947) es conocido como poeta, aunque también escribió prosa. Uno de los Poetas de la Confederación, junto con Charles G. D. Roberts, Bliss Carman y Archibald Lampman. «The Piper of Arll» («El gaitero de Arll»), «The Magic House and Other Poems», «New World Lyrics and Ballads», «Via Borealis», «Lundy's Lane and Other Poems», «Beauty and Life», «The Green Cloister», « In the Village of Viger» (relatos), «The Witching of Elspie» (relatos), «The Circle of Affection» (relatos), «The Untitled Novel» (novela)... son algunos de sus títulos. ** The Message Wind of the gentle summer night, Dwell in the lilac tree, Sway the blossoms clustered light, Then blow over to me. Wind, you are sometimes strong and great, You frighten the ships at sea, Now come floating your delicate freight Out of the lilac tree, Wind you must waver a gossamer sail To ferry a scent so light, Will you carry my love a message as frail Through the hawk-haunted night? For my heart is sometimes strange and wild, Bitter and bold and free, I scare the beautiful timid child, As you frighten the ships at sea; But now when the hawks are piercing the air, With the golden stars above, The only thing that my heart can bear Is a lilac message of love. Gentle wind, will you carry this Up to her window white Give her a gentle tender kiss; Bid her good-night, good-night. ** https://mypoeticside.com/poets/duncan-campbell-scott-poems https://www.facebook.com/mariajoseacuna.b/photos/a.1701915633190964/4893177907398038/ https://dialnet.unirioja.es/descarga/articulo/3933183.pdf https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/EIUC/article/download/EIUC9999110221A/8311 https://allpoetry.com/Duncan-Campbell-Scott https://www.poemhunter.com/duncan-campbell-scott/biography/ https://fncaringsociety.com/sites/default/files/duncan_campbell_scott_information_sheet_final.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I9X56TdiJg http://www.tamarackproductions.com/duncan-campbell-scott https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duncan_Campbell_Scott


Charles G. D. Roberts (Douglas, New Brunswick, Canadá, 1860 - Toronto, Canadá, 1943), Bliss Carman (Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canadá, 1861 - New Canaan, Connecticut, Estados Unidos, 1929) y Archibald Lampman (Morpeth, Upper Canada, 1861 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canadá, 1899), los otros Poetas de la Confederación.

Aunque también se incluye ahora a otros poetas, como Isabella Valancy Crawford (Dublín, Irlanda, 1846 - Toronto, 1887) William Wilfred Campbell (Newmarket, Ontario, 1860 - Otawa, Ontario, 1918)

Poemas de Charles G. D. Roberts: