Mis novelas

Mito de la Caverna de Platón

Dollie Radford


#DollieRadford #Escritoras Dollie Radford / Caroline Maitland (Londres, 1858 - 1920) ** Across the sea beyond the sand ACROSS the sea beyond the sand, At sunrise I shall sail away, To dwell in that enchanted land Where Love does stay. And up each lonely mountain peak, Where'er the narrow path may lead, Beneath its burning skies I'll seek The One I need. Across its plains by moon and star, And darkest night my road shall be, Until I clasp the hands which are Held forth to me. And if the storms be fierce and strong To tire me ere the search be done My peace will be more sweet and long If peace be won. ** «Una carga ligera», «Canciones y otros versos», «Una forma de amor: un idilio», «Una balada de victoria y otros poemas», «La despensa del poeta y otras historias», «Songs for Somebody», «Buenas noches», «Sea-Thrift: Un cuento de hadas», «En verano: el sueño de un niño», «Conejo de las sombras», «Calendario de los jóvenes jardineros», «The Goose Girl at the Well»... son algunos de los títulos bajo los que puedes encontrar su obra. https://allpoetry.com/Dollie-Radford http://webapp1.dlib.indiana.edu/vwwp/view?docId=VAB7138 https://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf8b69p1zw/entire_text/ https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/victorian-literature-and-culture/article/abs/dollie-radford-and-the-ethical-aesthetics-of-findesiecle-poetry/1E1CA2618A8EFC99243CBD6D30D950AA https://pennyspoetry.fandom.com/wiki/Dollie_Radford https://blogs.bl.uk/english-and-drama/2013/11/the-radfords.html https://www.oliveschreiner.org/vre?view=personae&entry=58 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dollie_Radford https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhymers%27_Club Su marido, Ernest Radford: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernest_Radford Su cuñada, Ada Wallas: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ada_Wallas