Mis novelas

Mito de la Caverna de Platón

Mathilde Blind


#MathildeBlind #Escritoras

Mathilde Blind / Mathilda Cohen (Mannheim, Confederación Germánica, 1896 - Londres, 1896) «Poemas de Claude Lake», «La vieja fe y la nueva», «La profecía de San Orán», «El brezo en llamas», «Dramas en miniatura», «Birds of Passage: Songs of the Orient and Occident», «The Ascent of Man», «George Eliot». «Madame Roland»... son algunos de los títulos bajo los que encontrarás su obra. ** Apple-Blossom Blossom of the apple trees! Mossy trunks all gnarled and hoary, Grey boughs tipped with rose-veined glory, Clustered petals soft as fleece Garlanding old apple trees! How you gleam at break of day! When the coy sun, glancing rarely, Pouts and sparkles in the pearly Pendulous dewdrops, twinkling gay On each dancing leaf and spray. Through your latticed boughs on high, Framed in rosy wreaths, one catches Brief kaleidoscopic snatches Of deep lapis-lazuli In the April-coloured sky. When the sundown's dying brand Leaves your beauty to the tender Magic spells of moonlight splendour, Glimmering clouds of bloom you stand, Turning earth to fairyland. Cease, wild winds, O, cease to blow! Apple-blossom, fluttering, flying, Palely on the green turf lying, Vanishing like winter snow; Swift as joy to come and go. ** https://portal.dnb.de/opac.htm?method=simpleSearch&query=Mathilde+Blind https://mypoeticside.com/poets/mathilde-blind-poems https://www.apollo-magazine.com/madox-brown-daughters-pre-raphaelites/ https://1890s.ca/blind_bio/ https://victorianweb.org/painting/fmb/paintings/24.html http://mathildeblind.jamesdiedrick.agnesscott.org/ http://mathildeblind.jamesdiedrick.agnesscott.org/category/mathilde-blind/ http://mathildeblind.jamesdiedrick.agnesscott.org/womens-penny-paper-interviews-mathilde-blind/ https://www.poeticous.com/mathilde-blind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2DwZXhGfKc https://ellenandjim.wordpress.com/2012/05/31/foremother-poet-matilde-blind-1841-96/ http://archive.spectator.co.uk/article/21st-december-1889/24/the-ascent-of-man-by-mathilde-blind-chatto-and-win https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVn6ltZ5E74 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathilde_Blind https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathilde_Blind Su padrastro, Karl Blind, del que tomó el apellido. Porque su padre, un banquero judío, murió al poco de nacer ella. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Blind